Design Elements and Principles Slides:
First Scans |
focusing on the visual qualities of elements rather than their meaning. The 17th c. Japanese Poet Matsuo Basho once said: “ The Haiku that reveals seventy to eighty percent of its subject is good. Those that reveal fifty to sixty percent, we never tire of.” For this assignment, we will learn about visual composition, image adjustments and file management in Lightroom and later Photoshop. An emphasis will be placed on being playful, experimental and then refining the images with good attention to detail. Make an entire composition on glass or plastic and place on the scanner using elements that show your understanding of several of the principles of design and composition. Record this image with the scanner. Adjust the image and record again. Do this 10 times, moving lighting, moving objects, making variations. Use the entire picture plane, put something behind the elements if you don't want gaps. You can change lighting or position during the scan. Import into Lightroom, evaluate and rate the images. For the best ones use global adjustments to improve the image. Store the images on your computer in the PIctures folder, in a folder with your name and the assignment name. Pick the best one for critique and put in the class critique folder for this project on Petra. (the college server for art) For additional inspiration look at the design principles and elements presentation on the website. Consider the following qualities: Open or closed composition Activating the whole picture plane Background shape and texture as interesting as foreground Integration of foreground and background Create a sense of depth Unity of elements Focal point movement through the piece Symmetrical or Asymmetrical Balance Rhythm of elements Complexity/ obsessive attention to detail Surprise, mystery or unusualness Artists: Andy Goldsworthy Martin Puryear Ana Mendieta Andreas Gursky Louise Nevelson lalia Essaydi |